Updated 6/28/2010    

Beach bunt 2/26/2010

Beach hunt March 3

Beach hunt Feb 28th

14K Medalion, 10K earring with 8 .02 diamonds, 14K band

England Trip 3-12

1554 Mary, Hammered silver Groat

England Trip 3-16.

1544-1547 Henry VIII, Hammered silver groat

England Trip 3-18
1649 Commonwealth Hammered silver II pence

Henry III Hammered silver Shortcross penny fragment

England Trip 3-18

76 BC Roman Republican Silver denarius , L. Rustias, 76 BC.

Obverse: Helmeted head of young Mars right - asterisk-like XVI in monogram below chin, SC behind.

Reverse: Ram standing right, L RVSTI in exergue - RRC 389/1, CRR 783, RSC-Babelon Rustia 1, SR 320

It's a little unlikely, but not inconcievable that this coin was still in active circulation when Claudius invaded Britain - it certainly would have been current when Caesar made his ill-fated attempts.  So it could have come either in pre-Roman trade, or during an early Roman incursion.

Engalnd Trip 3-23

1561 Elizabeth Hammered silver Shilling

1415-1497 French Stock jeton of Tournai - Three circle emblem of Tournai

Narrow armed single stranded cross fleuretty


1560's Elizabeth Hammered silver penny

400 AD Honorius Roman Silver siliqua

Rerverse VIRTVS ROMANORVM with seated Roma holding globe and spear, The style of the seated Roma is more in line with the end of the 4th century than the 380's - so I would hazard a guess that if we could read the obverse, it would be Arcadius or Honorius - c. 400 - the last two emperors in this era who used Aquilea or Milan.,So it's a siliqua, it has probably been clipped - possibly "officially" clipped to bring the weight into line with Saxon Sceatta.  Minted around 400 AD, it was probably in use for something approaching to 2 or 3 hundred years thereafter, although more likely as a part of a store of wealth than as a circulating coin.


The Royal Waggon Train (1802-1833)

Within a month of being created, part of the Corps arrived in Holland but because of the Treasury involvement, the vehicle establishment of 100 bread waggons, 100 forage carts, 20 hospital waggons and 10 forge carts had not been constructed and even by the time this campaign ended, still nothing had been done.

However, some good came out of this campaign in that it was generally acknowledged that an organised transport service was essential and that disciplined people accustomed to horses must be recruited.

A pause in hostilities brought about by the Peace Treaty of Amiens in 1802 gave a short breathing space to the contending powers.  By May the following year, Britain and France were again at war with France amassing an invasion army.

Following Nelson's victory at Trafalgar, the French marched away from the Channel to fight their continental enemies.  In 1807 they invaded the Iberian Peninsular determined to close all European ports to Britain.  In 1808 Sir Arthur Wellesley sailed to seize the naval base at Lisbon.  He took with him two troops of Irish Commissariat Waggon Corps.  By October these two troops had been incorporated into the Royal Waggon Train, bringing the strength to twelve troops - a total strength of 2000 all ranks.

Echelon duties in support of the Commissariat continued but now, where transport columns had to be protected, the Royal Waggon Train was increasingly involved in providing close support to the combat arms.  It became normal practice to split the organisation into small detachments in direct support of infantry or cavalry.

The landing in Portugal was to the north of Lisbon on the beaches at Mondego Bay.  It took a while but it did give Wellesley the time to organise his logistic support in a way which was to become familiar during his campaigns.  He was a master at solving logistical problems having learned his lesson whilst fighting in India.  His task was to ensure "the final and absolute evacuation of the Peninsula by troops of France".  Whitehall, however, maintained its ignorance of the logistics involved in a military campaign fought by an army over difficult terrain.

Within a month of landing in Portugal, Wellesley gave the French a foretaste of the capabilities of the British Army by defeating them at Rolica and Vimeiro.

The command of the British Army in the Peninsula during the winter campaign 1808-09 now passed to Sir John Moore, Wellesley having temporarily fallen out of favour for his involvement in the Treaty of Cintra which allowed the defeated French to sail home in British ships.  In October 1808 a British force under the command of General Sir David Baird landed at Corunna followed a weeks later by three troops of the Royal Waggon Train.  It was Moore's intention to hit the French lines of communication but he was forced to retire when he came up against Napoleon's army - a ratio of more than 6 to 1.

His retreat was no easy matter as waggons provided from local resources broke down and the hired drivers deserted with their teams.  Other waggons were too wide or inappropriate for the narrow roads.  Additional horses had to be harnessed to pull these waggons thus reducing the overall number of supply waggons.  The sprung waggons were used as ambulances with two men lying or eight men sitting.  Morale and discipline of the troops began to suffer and storage depots set up by Baird were ransacked by Moore's retreating troops.  This retreat ended with the Battle of Corunna in 1809 where Moore was mortally wounded.  

The Royal Waggon Train ended up being employed on mundane transport tasks and in 1815 was reduced to five troops and three years later to two before being disbanded in 1833.

18thc solid silver decorated clog fastner - PB over AB markers mark

London and bust hall marks

Peter & Ann Bateman

PB/AB. 1791 - 1800

Bateman workshop at Bunhill Row London 1794





Unrecorded 5th Dragoon Guard Button

Crimera war period



Solid silver dragon brooch - 1948 London hall mark


1917 2 ANNAS, India

1625-42 Charles 1st hammered silver half penny - Rose each side - no legend type

Probably one of the smallest hammered silver coins you can find, 1/3rd the weight of a Medieval silver farthing 0.17g, 9.5mm


1890 9 carat gold ring - Birmingham hall mark - Marker JM

3.36g, 18.95mm

1696 William III milled silver shilling


1422 Henry VI hammered silver penny - York mint - Archiepiscopal issue

Quatrefoil with pellet at centre of reverse cross



4-16 Hit a park for a couple hours 1929 merc and a 1905 barber dime plus 5 indians

4-22 Mark and I hit the woods for a change what a fun day! 1899 barber quarter,1910 barber dime 1926 merc that had to be at 10" 2 buffalo and 2 V nickles plus a couple indians.

6-19 3 silver rings at the beach 2 are Tiffany. NICE!

Short hunt at the beach before work yields a 35" long 14K white gold chain. First chain in 2 years for me.

6-24 Another good day at the beach small 18K and large 14K medalions.

6-25 Hit a couple beaches with Mark this morning, 14K kids ring with emerald, 14K kids heart ring

6-28 Out by myself today, found a nice honey hole. 10K ring with 8 chip diamonds, silver yin and yang ring, 10 K wedding band.

6-30 2010 14K class ring, 20.1 grams



7-1 small 10K chain and cross 3.5 grams, 14k gold band 2.1 grams, DIANA Platinum wedding band size 9, 11.6 grams

Now that a good day at the office!

7-15 , 14K ring with 4 diamonds, silver ring, silver ring,

7-20 another High School ring RSHS class of 2010. 10K 6.1 grams


7/22 Got out for several hours this is my 3rd HS ring in 10 days. Will take some serious research to return this one as it only has a nick name inside, Class of 1981, ultrium


Sorry about the lack of updates but if has been pretty bleak out there. I have gone out just about every morning for the last 2 weeks for 3 hours. Lots of junk and about 130.00 in change. only got 3 silver rings and some other junk jewlery.Finally yesterday I got a gold!

3 silver rings from the last week and a 14K man's white gold ring. 5.6 grams


Hit the beach for 2 hours today. Slim pickings until I hit a rocky area pulled a 14K childs bracelet 6.3 grams and a silver ring.


Another 2 hours of digging crap targets, my 2nd to the last signal...

18K with a 0.15 Diamond. Tested real! 2.6 grams


Got to play from 7:30 am until 2 pm. In the last hour I got 2 keepers

14K diamond ring the center stone is at least a half carat 2.9 grams. What a beauty! The second ring was a silver honker 12.9 grams


Manadged to hit a beach for 2 hours before work today, as usual not many targets but did score a small gold and another silver.


14K Wedding band with .01 Diamond, Silver spinner ring


Man the first 2 hours in the water it rained like hell, I almost gave up then the rain stopped and 30 minutes later I was looking down at gold!

Found a nice cut along the shore got 2 gold and a silver.

14K Mens wedding band with 8 diamonds 5.7 grams, silver stud and 10K gold earring 2.3 grams.


Vacation is over time to get back to some serious hunting before the season ends. I hit 2 beaches this morning, the first produced only coins and junk. The 2nd however gave up a nice ladies 14K white gold Saphire and diamond ring. 3.8 grams


The beaches are all sanded in so I decided to hit a park for a couple hours. First land hunt since April.

I got about a dozen wheats and a 1907 Barber dime, in pretty nice shape.


Well the High School ring I found on June 30th is finally home. I located the owner in early July, he finally made it to pick up his ring.


Found a nice parkway under construction. 5 blocks long did 2 blocks on the 16th got 4 silver coins and a bunch of wheat pennies, went back on the 17th and got 3 more silver coins and 2 silver rings.


Had the Chicago detecting club Big beach hunt today. Got lots of silver and a Whites bullseyeII pinpointer. While we were on the beach a couple came up and said the wife had lost her wedding ring about 2 miles down the beach. I took a ride to try to find her Platinum and diamond ring. It took about 6 seconds to find! Upon exchanging names I realized their last name was Butkus, he is a relation to the famed football player! How Cool is that!



Another out of town hunter here for a couple days, called to get out for a while. Ron from California. Good hunter! While I was with him he dug a couple rosie dimes and a 1899 indian then he got a nice multiple a merc, 3 rosies and 2 wheat pennies in 1 hole. After I left he texted me he got a 1902 Barber dime. Nice hunting with you ron!

I got 2 mercury dimes and an 1888 Indian plus lots of wheaties.


Well folks I'm off to Jolly old England! I will try to post daily what we are finding. I will be running a 3 week hunt with 6 hunters plus me. We arrive Friday morning October 1st and will be hunting by 1pm. Check for updates after 5 pm daily!


Were here! Arrived at 5 am, all the boys met a the rental car location by 10 am and it was off to Colchester. Unfortunatly it was raining. Got the boys in the fields by 1:30 and I had tour guide duties to fullfill. I didn't hunt at all on Friday, by the time i was finished puttting the bags put away and shopping for the week i onlly had an hour of daylight left and it was raining too hard. I must be getting old!



Its Tuesday noontime, I just dropped the boys at mary's. Had internet issues all week, hope there done now!

The weather has not been cooperating at all. Satureday we hit the abby and MC's. The abby was uneventful all the usual stuff, the road half of the main abby is plowed and rolled the rest is still in stubble,but with all the rain, all the freshly done fields are serious boot stickers. MC's land is about half done, I got 1 little silver button and Jeff got that beautiful Saxon strap end.

Sunday we went to the new land, mostly grass. Greenies and lots of crap, then on Tim's we did the east fields not much to show for it I got a 1781 German 1 skilling silver a 1945 silver 6 pence and a 1807 G III copper penny in ok shape.

Yesterday we hit the Central abby land Jeff again held up the team with a French 1729 shilling sized milled silver and a Roman Silver. then to AB's marinni field, I managed a cut half long cross in the stubble then wondered over to the roman hill with a couple of the boys (long walk) Still pretty sticky but enough targets to keep us from getting bored.

Now I'm in the hot tub for 1/2 an hour and back to marys for a couple more hours of hunting. Hope I get another pony!


It rained all night, a couple of the boys are haning at the barn for the morning, the rest of us are going back to the new land as it is all grass.

Yesterday on Mary's Jeff again scored big he got a hammered commenwealth II pence and his first gold coin after 32 years of detecting a 1787 George II half Guinea in very nice condition! Congrats Jeff! Terry also got gold, a locket with a stone in it. Don't know age yet! pic's to come.


Groat city and Central abby. Lots of good targets today! I got 2 hammered longcross and a Charles penny.


Hit the central abby today. I got a 300 BC harness of turret ring. A couple of the guys got hammered silver coins and milled silver.


MC's land, silver shilling, slick William III 6 pence and a silver watch fob.


Tim's land. I did well on silver today with 5 pieces. A 1895 Vicky shilling, 1925 William shilling,1929 william six pence,and 2 silver pins.



BF's land behind the abby. 1566 Elizabeth hammered silver 3 pence, 1816 Georg bullhead six pence and a 1746 hibernia penny in vg shape!


Pilgram fathers house in the morning 1580 Lizzie 6 pence, 1564 lizzie half groat and another unrecorded 5th Dragoon button and then Clackton in the afternoon. My first target was a roman silver 161AD


Rough morning Thorp and afternoon at MC's 1 silver for me today 1898 Vicky 6 pence



Hit AB's Morini area and the roman hill. Bill coming back for lunch walked over a beauty gold 1/4 stater and after lunch wandering around I got one of my own. 2 golds!

- -Link to Celtic gold video

Bill's gold----------------both different die type-------------------------------My gold -----------------


On a high after a double gold day we headed to Groat city, I got one small roman bronze not much detail unfortunatly. then back to Morini village, not today!


RF'srs and the central abby today. The usual stuff the guys got a couple hammies, I got a 1836 Shilling


Ken's and Mary's with the team split. I got a roman bronze and a lizzie half groat


MC's and Mary's triangle field. Got a seal matrix 12th to 15th century and a Victorian silver pocket watch. In the afternoon got a 1934 6 pence



Rf Sr's and groat city. I did well in the morning with a Henry groat and a Lizzie shilling plus a cartwheel penny love token


We decided to hit RF sr's again and am I glad we did got a 1816 bullhead 6 pence and 15 minutes later got my 2nd gold coin of the trip. a 1762 George III 1/4 giunea

Link to George III gold coin video


Last hunt day, hit the new land as some new stuff was plowed. I managed a roman bronze and a 1831 6 pence.


Back from England. I still have some great stuff to post from the trip but I hit the beach for about 3 hours today got about 50 coins, I spotted a 14K gold earring sticking out of the sand on my way to the next beach, and on the way back I popped a 14K engagement ring Unfortunatly the stones are fake.

0.6 grams------------------------- 2.9 grams.


Buzy catching up after the england trip. Hit the beach for a couple hours today got a silver ring and about 8 bucks in change.


Back to a beach just change but did manage a 925 post earring with a stone most likely fake. Also got a 1947 Rosie dime in the sand.


Went to another beach today spent about 3 hours. Got about 10 dollars in change, a 1964 washington quarter and a 10K earring with about 20 small stones REAL!


Met up with Mark and Joe at the same beach I was at the other day. Just change and junk jewlery for me and Joe but mark scored a beauty Jesus medalion a little smaller than a US half. 6.5 grams of 14K

After the beach Joe and I went to a nearby park and got a mercury dime each. Mine was 1925 his was a 1941


I hit a park near a job I had to look at, Very nice day with 3 indians 1883, 1883,1886. 3 silver dimes 1925 and 1923 mercs and a 1898S Barber dime. An antique gold plated cuff link


Another job to look at and another park. managed about 20 wheats and a rosie dime didn't even look at the date, and another gold plated antique cuff link


Got out to a couple local parks, at the first I got some clad and a 1904 Indian. Then at the 2nd I got a 1929 mercury dime and a 1883 Indian. These are both heavily hunted parks. Minlab just gets the depth!


I picked up the Minelab GPX-5000 for a field test. From what I've watched on you tube and herd about the gold capability of this machine I know it has some serious potential as a beach machine. Just another weapon in the arsenal. I'm playing with the unit and reading the manual today!


Hit a beach with mark today to test the GPX-5000. Man this machine can go deep. I dug quite a few deep coins, 1 nickel was over 18", and a 925 silver stud earring. I also buried a 14K woman's band for a depth test. First I buried it at 8", Mark who is the best deep target detectors I know barely heard it with the Explorer II. He said if he were just detecting the beach he probably wouldn't have caught it. The GPX gave a very solid hit. Wanting to test the depth I reburied the ring at 15" or so. The signal was very soft but defiantly a repeatable, digable signal. I did have a little dif faculty with Hair pins, as this is a PI machine. I am hoping with some time under my belt I can hear the difference.


Tried another beach with the GPX-5000. Again lots of deep coins and another 925 silver earring. I did manage to dig less hairpin today. My ears may be adjusting to the tones. This machine is great for deep coins and should go deeper than anything on the market for gold rings. I just need top walk over one. Perhaps after Thanksgiving.

Happy holidays!


I was going to the store to shop for Thanksgiving (last minute needs) and saw a parkway construction site. Only 2 blocks long but got to detect for 15 minutes and managed 3 wheat's and a 194? mercury dime. You never know when opportunity will present itself!

Good Hunting!


Hit the woods , I ended up with a 1909D Barber Quarter


Back to the woods for more while the weather is still cooperating!

1904 and 1902o Barber dimes. Sorry about the crap photos took them right off the video.


Latest video up! One pound of gold!

2010 beach gold total.


That's all she wrote for 2010.

Gold and platinum total for 2010. 34 pieces, 151.4 grams


gold coins 2: 70 B.C. Celtic gold 1/4 stater and 1762 George III 1/4 guinea

Silver coins 123 including England